
Sunday, September 6, 2009

If Walls Could Talk

My in-laws have a cabin at Bear Lake that we visit throughout the summer each year.  Every time we turn off on the dirt road that winds its way around the mountain to this hidden retreat, we pass by an old desolate home with a barn out behind it.  It has caught my eye for several years, and this weekend my curiosity got the best of me and I was lured in to explore both buildings and their surroundings.  Of course I didn't go alone.  I'm not the only one who has been curious.  Seej came along and so did Grandma, although you won't see any pictures of her because she literally threatened to kill me if I took any of her!  Visiting this place was fascinating, and we all found ourselves wishing that walls could talk and wondering what they would tell us if they could.  I kept wondering who had lived here, how long they had been gone, and why was it still here.  It sits up on the hill overlooking the lake and I wondered what the view was like when people actually lived here.  Not only were the buildings old and lifeless, but much of the vegetation directly surrounding the buildings was dead as well.  The interesting part was that not too far off in the distance the trees were thriving and there were a few flowers blooming as if to say that not all was lost.  Obviously the land is still utilized for grazing cattle since there was a new gate on the fence and the watering troughs were still full.  This made me wonder if whoever is using the ground is preserving these memories because they have a history with the people who once lived here, or if they just appreciate the life that still resonates in what once was.  Either way, I'm glad it's still here.  It would be interesting if the weathered walls could actually talk and answer all of my questions.  Although they cannot literally speak, they tell a wonderful story of perseverance and strength through the warped and bent wood that is still linked together and standing.  I have respect for this place as I do for the many other places we pass on the way that are similar to this.  I'm so glad we took the time to visit.  It was well worth it.  I hope you enjoy the beauty in it as much as I do.





Bobbidee said...[Reply to comment]

I loved that post! Your writing touches me as much as your photos. Thanks for doing this.

Scott and Rachel Ellis said...[Reply to comment]

You said it perfectly. I love old things, my house is full of them. And most of the reason I love them is because they each have there own story to tell. Where they have been, who sat in them, what they have been through. Again amazing!

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