
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sunrise at Bear Lake

Have you ever really taken a look at the sky?  I mean have you ever really noticed its beauty.  It seems like no matter the mood of the weather the sky is always a beautiful canvas that stretches forever displaying some of the most beautiful scenes we could ever match our eyes with.  I love to look at the sky, and often times make my children look at it.  I love the fact that it is always changing, but its beauty remains constant.  I decided to get up early this weekend and try and catch the sun coming up over Bear Lake.  I was a little late, but what I did see was nothing short of spectacular.  It was worth a little less sleep, and it brought me some much needed peace to sit by myself and bask in the early morning light.  This was new for me since I'm usually driving home from somewhere (in a hurry!) enjoying the sunset.  I have decided that both times of the day are beautiful.  If you have a chance slow down and take a look.  You might be missing out on a great opportunity.


Shan said...[Reply to comment]

Your pictures are great..and you write so good too.. you could write a book or put a piece in the newspapers or magazines.. I love the barn/house and the tree.. they are great pictures!

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