
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood here last Saturday so I took the kids out to enjoy the weather. It was a perfect day. When I say that I mean the weather was just right, there was no fighting, and we all soaked our time together in slowly enjoying each minute of the daylight. Of course my mom who literally has a green thumb already has her yard in order, and the fresh new flowers were a welcome sight for sore eyes.

Her tree is also starting to get it's fuzz, and we had to inspect it as well.

While we were there my friend the wind came to visit which meant this was a perfect time for flying our kites.

This is something we have not done for a couple of years, and I have to admit it was so much fun. I probably enjoyed it partially just because the wind was blowing, but it was fun watching the kids get their kites up in the air. Doop didn't last too long. He got a little tired of the running, and he isn't the best at holding onto the kite once it's up, which is a whole additional problem. Lou had a bit of her own struggle. She had no problem getting her kite up, but the death grip she had on the handle and string wore her hand out pretty quick. She was so stressed out about the kite flying away that she finally just asked me to reel it in. Seej however was a different story. I think this was something that she thoroughly enjoyed. Her kite went up first and it stayed there. She let it out as far as it would go and watched it dance with the wind. She and I talked about how much fun it would be to sit on top and float in the sky. I can't even imagine what that would be like. I wondered what else she was thinking as she contently held on to her string watching me run back and forth with Doop while trying to talk Lou into loosening her grip. I'm not sure what was going through her head, but she sure looked peaceful.

When they finally tired of flying kites Lou and Doop rode their stick horses around the yard, across the street and along the ditch bank. They created their own world and could not be bothered by us bystanders. Seej and I found our own fun as she posed for me to capture some "angle" shots for this past week's contest. I had to share a few more of her other than my entry. I can't tell you how much fun we had together. The whole day was perfect. I hope another day like this one comes around again soon.


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