
Monday, February 1, 2010


This is the time of the year when things start to get difficult. After being cooped up in the house for the past couple of months due to the extreme cold and no good air everyone starts to get a little stir crazy. On top of that we have had pneumonia in the house, sinus infection, major coughs and the croup. Enough is enough already. On Saturday it was so beautiful outside. I thought we would take the family and head out of the house to do something, but I was deceived. The sunshine only looked warm from the inside. It was still very cold when we stepped out the door, but on Sunday after church the sun broke through and it was actually a bit warm. I decided that we had stared out the window at it long enough, and I took the kids outside for a short time to play. A mixture of warm weather, colorful balloons, and the Roadmaster made it possible for us to share a bit of magic! The kids took turns pulling one another in the wagon and running laps around the neighborhood. It was so much fun to watch them running and giggling with their balloons trailing frantically behind. Definitely a sight for sore eyes. The bright colors, the warm sun and the sound of laughter was just the bit of magic that we needed.


Shan said...[Reply to comment]

Your post are always so thoughtful! I don't express myself very good, but you are great at that. the pictures are cute..Love the warmth a little yesterday too.. It is hard to be cooped up all winter!!

Jean Smith said...[Reply to comment]

ahhhh marvett...that first picture is perfection!

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