
Saturday, January 23, 2010


It has been snowing all day again today. The winter is dragging, and this means that the little people in this house are becoming desperate. Hmmm, what to do when it's too cold outside to enjoy the snow? The girls came up with a plan and they basically took over the house creating their own world and transforming themselves into mothers with busy schedules, babies to tend to and places to go. The downstairs became a concert hall with music and dancing for entertainment, while their bedroom became their apartment where they lived with their children and husband. Yes, that's correct their husband. Little Doop was the man of the house and since the girls were dressed up why should he be left out. He was the sharp dressed man in Seej's old tuxedo dance costume. Their apartment included beds for themselves, a small potty, and was complete with a bathtub, which Doop was forced by his wives to sleep in. Oh yeah, it was funny! The best part was when I heard him arguing with the girls over changing the babies diapers. For some reason they wouldn't let him do it and I heard him tell them "he was a good father and he could change diapers too". Poor kid. I hope the cold weather and yucky air let up soon. This truly is desperation!

Oh yeah, Brittany whoever you are stop calling Doop on his cell phone. As he has told you several times today, he and his family don't need any Girl Scout cookies! Kapish! (This is his latest favorite word!)


Scott and Rachel Ellis said...[Reply to comment]

Holy Crap, I am still laughing!!!!

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

little Doop's future wife are gonna love these!

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

These pictures are beautiful!! You have an amazing talent!

Bobbidee said...[Reply to comment]

So so funny! I love the texture photo too and the planiteream--sp?--they are awesome. Great job!!!

Penni said...[Reply to comment]

Marv, that is soooo funny. I love your pictures. Your blog definitely inspires me!! Thank you. I love your cute family you guys are awesome.

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