
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Early Morning

We've had a crazy couple of weeks. School started last week and we are getting settled into new routines and schedules. As much as I hate to see school start again, I do love the organization that comes with it. I am a major planner. Always have been always will be, and having a schedule in place brings a sense of safety and peace for me. It's much needed these days. I think this has been our roughest month since my dad's passing. Big changes, and lots of emotions as we long to have grandpa here to talk us through things. We are still learning to live on in a life without him. It still feels so strange, but along with the peace that routine brings, so does the safety of family time and we seem to have more of it lately. For that I am extremely grateful. Moments like this early morning with my best buddy are definitely moments that I record in my heart for reflection on rainy days. My beautiful boy stayed close by my side on a night when JM had to work the graveyard shift. Watching him resting peacefully in this beautiful light reminded me that I do indeed have much to be grateful for.


Katherine Vargas said...[Reply to comment]

aww so cute im like not looking forward to the first week of school we dont start till Sept 3rd and 9th i know ima have a hard time getting them to their new routines.

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