
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tennis Anyone?

My girl Lou has decided to change things up this year. She has been playing soccer for the past couple of years following in her sister's footsteps. However, this is exactly why she started playing soccer in the first place, and she finally decided to let us know that soccer was not her favorite thing to do. Instead, she has decided to try her hand at tennis. She saw the signs in our community that lessons were going to be offered and quickly asked if this was something she could participate in. I have always wanted Lou to do something that she really wants to do and have something of her own that she could be proud of, so we made the arrangements and bought her a racket. She has loved it. Every minute of it. You will see it in the images below. From the smile on her face to the sparkle in her eye. Tennis is her thing, and although she is wearing her soccer uniform in a few of these images, she has finished her last soccer game and is hanging up her cleats. She has now moved on to the forehand, the backhand, and the grunt that goes with them. I am so happy that she has her own interest, and I can't wait to watch her learn and grow. She is good!


Shan said...[Reply to comment]

Fun.. she'll have to play with Andrew..he loves tennis too! I couldn't do it after swinging a bat all my life.. She'll have to teach me! Good Luck Lou!~

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

She's so cute! That's great that she found something she likes...for now. ;)

Charlotte said...[Reply to comment]

It's wonderful when they find something they love, isn't it? My son just discovered golf and I think it is a good fit.

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